GGN Group, LLC     Results through Change ™
Dan Gomez 610-715-8289    

Business Model Change

In the mid-1990’s e-commerce was an emerging market that had everyone’s attention.  Many firms were focused on the technology that was driving the internet and e-commerce.  It was during this time that Mark Nelson and Dan Gomez teamed up and identified an opportunity to serve and support the e-commerce market.  Instead of focusing on the technology, Gomez and Nelson focused on the creation of digital content in support of e-commerce.  Acquiring a 60-year old publishing firm that produced content for “ink on paper” catalogs, Gomez, Nelson and the team transformed the company using technology and process re-engineering.   They completely changed the company’s value proposition and business model focusing on customers’ needs for digital content that could be re-purposed.  The company was ultimately sold to a well known software and e-commerce firm in 1999.