GGN Group, LLC     Results through Change ™
Dan Gomez 610-715-8289     

Business Transition Planning Services

Ensure your financial and business legacy.

Business Transition Planning
Successful business transition planning or succession and exit planning requires all the elements of a well run company including a well thought-out strategy and value proposition, great leadership, organizational and operational excellence and a high performance team all working together to produce sustainable results. There are also unique elements of business transition planning including answering key questions such as: who will lead and / or take ownership of the company in the future; what changes have to be made to make succession or exit a success in order to maximize value and minimize risk; what will the ownership structure look like; what is the timeline for succession or exit and what are the required economics that support succession or exit. Business transition planning is a process that requires specialized knowledge, experience and skills and a process that should start years in advance. We have helped numerous business owners plan for succession and exit and prepare their firms in order to maximize their value and reduce risk.
Management Transition

Helping business owners transisiton to professional management is critical to creating a business that has sustainable and transferable value separate and apart from the owner.  Transition to professional management allows a business owner to work “on” the business and not “in” the business and often results in a better quality of life for the owners of the business.

Leadership Development
We believe that great results rest on the ability of the leader to unite their team.  Visionary and disciplined leaders sets the foundation for success – they cast the shadow others will operate in.  GGN’s founding partners both held C-level leadership positions in large and small corporations.  They have lead firms to success from start-up companies to turnaround situations using leadership skills developed over more than thirty years of management experience.