GGN Group, LLC     Results through Change ™
Dan Gomez 610-715-8289     

Management Consulting Overview

“It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory”

Dr. Edward Deming



  • Our management consulting approach is independent, disciplined and fact based. We know how to ask the right questions to get to the right answers. Data, facts and research are used to create actionable information from which decisions can be made.
  • We use systems, processes, knowledge, training, education and tools developed over years of experience in a multitude of industries to get effective business change management.
  • A balanced and disciplined approach is used in working with business owners, their partners, their families and key employees for business transition planning and management transitions, so that key goals are achieved as quickly as possible.
  • Systems, processes and experience help us identify and implement business change management that achieves goals and drives results.
  • We work with owners, managers, employees and other professionals in a collaborative effort to develop solutions and recommendations that can be practically implemented to achieve the desired results.
  • We coach and mentor leaders to take actions, make changes and get results.

Whether you are looking to take advantage of an opportunity, solve a problem, take the business to the next level, or effect a business transition, GGN is there for you.

 “A goal is a dream with a deadline”

     From the book Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi




Business Change Management
               Management Consulting
                               Business Transition Planning
                                          Take your business to the next level